Welcome to PDF Chain
PDF Chain is a graphical user interface for the PDF Toolkit (PDFtk). The GUI supports all common features of the command line tool in a comfortable way.

PDF Chain generates a command for the PDF Toolkit from the GUI settings and executes it on the system. Therefore the PDF Toolkit must be already installed on the system.
I hope you will enjoy PDF Chain.
Martin Singer
- PDF Chain is for Unix-like systems
- The GUI is written in C++ programming language, using the GTKmm library
- The source code is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3)
- PDF Chain comes without any warranty!
- Concatenate selected pages of various PDF documtents into one
- Select entiere PDF documents
- Choose several pages or contiguous page ranges
- Pick even, odd or all pages from choosen page ranges
- Rotate picked pages (0°, 90°, 180° or 270°)
- Shuffle picked pages
- Set input passwords for various PDF documents
- Burst a PDF document into single pages
- Print a background or stamp on each page of a PDF document
- Attach various files to a PDF document
- Set permissions on PDF output documents
- Set a user and/or a owner password
- Use encryption (None, 40 bit or 128 bit)
- Allow or restrict various features
- Tools
- Extract attached files
- Uncompress / Compress
- Dump data fields (ASCII or UTF-8)
- Dump data (ASCII or UTF-8)
- Update info (ASCII or UTF-8)
- Generate FDF
- Fill form
- Flatten
- Drop XFA